1941年年出生在台灣宜蘭縣,其藝術學養嚴謹而脈絡清晰,他對傳統筆墨技法的兼收並蓄,對詩,書,畫,印四結合的文人畫精髓的汲取提煉,對”外師造化,中得心原”的親身實踐,以及對雄闊壯偉,清麗幽美境界的刻意塑造,這些追求融成一體就形成了他”借古開今”,”脫古出新”的藝術風貌,既承繼傳統,又富時代氣息。在50年的藝術人生中,周澄先生心追手摹,將中國山水畫的寫生精神發揮得淋漓盡致,遊遍世界的名山大川,描出了”三峽煙雲”,”月牙泉”,”中山陵之春”等一幅幅壯觀美景。 周澄師從與張大千齊名的書畫藝術大師江兆申先生。其藝術學養嚴謹且脈絡清晰,承繼傳統的因子明顯,北宋米氏雲山,元代的四大家,明代的吳門四家,清代的石濤等歷史上許多名家名派的畫法,都能在周澄作品中找到影子,然都融會貫通,合為一體,以服從於所要表現的景緻和意境。
Chou Chen ( Chou Bo)
was born in Yilan County, Taiwan in 1941. His artistic cultivation is rigorous and clear, and he has a comprehensive collection of traditional brush and ink techniques. He has refined the essence of literati painting, which combines poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving. He has practiced the saying "Nature is the best teacher, and the heart is the best student" and deliberately shaped the magnificent and beautiful realm. These pursuits have been integrated into his artistic style of "borrowing from the past to create the present" and "breaking away from the past to create the new." He inherits tradition while being rich in contemporary atmosphere. In his 50 years of artistic life, Mr. Zhou has pursued and copied the spirit of Chinese landscape painting to the fullest. He has traveled the world's famous mountains and rivers, depicting magnificent and beautiful scenes such as "Three Gorges Smoke and Clouds," "Crescent Spring," and "Spring of Zhongshan Mausoleum." Mr. Zhou studied under the famous calligraphy and painting master Jiang Zhaoshen, who was as famous as Zhang Daqian. His artistic cultivation is rigorous and clear, and the factors inherited from tradition are obvious. The painting methods of many famous painters and schools in history, such as the Yunshan of the Mi family in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty, the Four Families of the Wu School in the Ming Dynasty, and the Shitao of the Qing Dynasty, can all be found in Zhou Chen's works. They are all integrated and combined into one, in order to serve the scenery and artistic conception to be expressed.

電話:02-27112512   傳真:02-27218756
3F., No. 11, Ln. 177, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)