
Wang Ling  王令

  • Ph.D. Studentof Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University
  • Department of Fine Arts & Culture Creative Design of the Huafan University, the degree of Master of Fine Arts
  • Department Chinese painting ,Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
  • 國立臺灣師範大學美術系博士生
  • 華梵大學 美術與文創學系碩士
  • 中國魯迅美術學院 中國畫系學士

  1. Year2016 Contemporary Image-- individual personal exhibition at Huifengtang
  2. Year2011 Flower and moon in the night—individual personal exhibition in Hualien City Cultlral Affairs Bureau
  1. 2016"現代意象"膠彩個展-台北蕙風堂,台北/台灣
  2. 2011"花月夜"膠彩個展-花蓮文化局,花蓮/台灣

  1. The works is collected by Central Bank of the Repubilc of China, Hualien Country Government and Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan
  1. 台灣、韓國、中國、香港等地參與多次聯展 作品曾獲中央銀行、文建會、花蓮縣政府及私人收藏

